While Susie was running a mile and about to head out into the hills with Chris D I was running in the East Lothian 3 Peaks Duathlon. Jane Robertson (unable to run through injury) so biking was looking for a “not seriously competitive” runner, so Keith Burns asked if I was interested. There was handicap start. So first time since 31st October 2010 brought on my first “fun” race. The haar melted away for an absolutely cracking day and I headed up Lammer Law from Blinking bonny Woods (took bit of finding in these country roads). 56 mins for me as not most direct route! but came back fast (35 mins to summit). Pushed last mile and bit from gate, long straight stretch. Then Traprain (17min) and Berwick Law (16.37) – heavy dew on Berwick law so picked my way down bit as trail shoes not best of grip and absolutely did not want another injury!
I took my partner Jane by surprise at Traprain. Had to shout as coming down track and over stile to get her helmet on and get on her bike! And Berwick as you see from the photo, at least managed to go faster than my 2 year old niece and my boys. We took 3 hours 30 in total – Jane was overtaking on her bike so fast! First time I ran with insoles all the time and just so happy to be running. My legs are getting stronger just need to get those lungs working. I had Training Effect 5.0 on watch.
Anyway good fun and good crowd for fish and chips afterwards and play on beach with children. I had my PH tee on which got me welcome cup of coffee from Jonathen who was marshalling at Traprain. So PHs definitely worth thinking about for next year – maybe I will try the full Duathlon then!
Sounds fun Kirsty, and the photos look brilliant! Glad to see you’re back running. And I agree, we should try and get more interest in this race next year…