Running Pals for 20 years – she deserves a medal, so I helped her get an Ultra one!!!

Twenty years ago in May 2004 I met Frances Jones at a Toddler Group and one of the first things I said to her was, ‘I heard you used to be a runner, would you go running with me?’.

We started running on Tuesdays and Thursdays and got ourselves doing 10milers no problem. By the November I persuaded her to join Penicuik Harriers; it took a lot of persuasion but she relented ?
Penicuik Harriers Running Club has been a huge part of our lives running and racing and making some very firm and incredible friends. We’ve raced for the club for years road, hill and trail races and also running marathons and me turning to Ultra running.
I started Pentland Fun Runners 5 years ago and Fran has been there nearly every week and has a real love for hill running now.
Why am I telling you all this? Because yesterday 20 years after we started running together, we ran an Ultra Marathon together!!!
I am so completely in awe of Fran for completing the Devil of the Highlands Footrace – that woman is strong! We had the worst weather overhead and underfoot but we just kept going. The other challenge as well as the 42 miles was to put up with my chat which she managed admirably for 10 hours 56 minutes ? I’ve done a few Ultras and this one was tough but holding her hand to cross the line will stay with me for a very long time.
As she tucked into some post-race food we asked her, ‘Would you do another?’ ‘No’ was the answer. ‘There are shorter ones’ we said. ‘Oh’, she said ?
You are my dear friend and I will always be grateful for the running journey that has got us through many things in our lives.

My wee Frannie Dodger xxxx

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2 comments on Running Pals for 20 years – she deserves a medal, so I helped her get an Ultra one!!!

  1. Dave Cairns says:

    Strong, dependable chums, that’s what running gives you.

  2. Rob Wilson says:

    20 years of Susie Maxwell – Fran definitely needs a medal 🙂

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