The Mighty Deerstalker, Innerleithen – 17th March

Whilst Chris B was headed North on Saturday 17th March, Neil H and I were headed the other direction down to Traquair House at Innerleithen for The Mighty Deerstalker (by the same folk that put on the “Rat Race” runs). Perfect conditions for the race – dry, sunny and no wind. Though to be honest, by the time we’d waded waist-deep through the river, it didn’t really matter what the weather was like! Anyway, two races that day, the “5k (and a bit)” which Neil and I ran and the “10k (and the rest)” which has an extra hill, a bit more water and you run it in the dark.

The 5k consists of a steep hill climb and descent with lots of obstacles on the way (hay-bale walls, rivers, mud, more mud, cargo nets…) and the last two obstacles…all new for 2012….two 7ft high walls to scale right at the end – they nearly broke me.

474 finishers, Neil took 57th place and I was 7th.

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3 comments on The Mighty Deerstalker, Innerleithen – 17th March

  1. bill bennet says:

    7th and 57th out of 474 – magnificent!

  2. Chris Burns says:

    Hi Ben – only just read this – sounds wicked – well impressed with your 7th & 57th places – well done !

  3. Susie says:

    Crikey 7th & 57th – that is amazing!! Doesn’t seem like the walls broke you unless you were in 1st place of course…..

    Well done both of you, have thought about it a couple of times, another race we need to get a team down for!!!


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