Penicuik Harriers Annual Ceilidh

Ceilidh being held on Saturday 16th February this year at a new venue this year!  St Mungo’s Hall, Kirkhill Road is the venue at 8pm with Bill Richardson and his band with Annabel Oates calling the dances it promises to be a great evening.  Tickets are only £10 for adults and if you can’t get a babysitter bring your kids for only £5 each. It is a BYOB event so don’t forget to bring yours and drinks for the kids. Tickets available from

The ceilidh is open to all, not just running club members and is always a very energetic evening!

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One comment on Penicuik Harriers Annual Ceilidh

  1. Susan says:

    Please hurry and buy tickets – sales aren’t great so far and there’s not long to go!!

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