Penicuik 10k 2023

Penicuik 10K 2023

What a day for our 38th Penicuik 10k race – the sun shone and there were 168 runners on the startline.  A huge thank you to everyone who came along and ran in our race, we hope that you enjoyed it and felt well supported the whole way round.  The club members work hard in the months leading up to the race to ensure that everything is in place even to the point of going round the route with brushes and shovels to ensure that the surface is clear.

I have had so many lovely messages thanking us for the race – lots of first time 10k runners and some stalwarts of the race like Linden Nicolson who has been running it since the 1980’s. Her name may be familiar to local people as she taught most of Penicuik PE at Primary and High School.

We raised £237.80 from our home baking stall and the club have rounded that up to £250 which will be donated to the British Heart Foundation today.  A small gesture that we can make in Brian Tyndall’s name.

I was very pleased that the First Aiders weren’t needed and they got to bask in the sun and enjoy a coffee from Mel’s Brew52 Coffee Van. Grateful thanks to St Andrew’s Ambulance for always being a reliable back up in case we need them.

Thanks also to Police Scotland and Midlothian Council who ensure that our race can actually take place on the roads in and around Penicuik, without their support you would not all get the pleasure of Pomathorn Hill.  Scottish Athletics Officials looked after our timing and race referee Alex Jackson was in the lead car ensuring no rules were being broken.

A race report wouldn’t be right if we didn’t mention Scott Jenkins who juggled or joggled as I now know it’s known his way around our 10k in a very respectable time of 40m 38s.  Please read about him here.

Our club now holds three races every year and three club members organise these.  However, none of this would be possible without the club members all stepping up into positions of responsibility to ensure these races are safe, well marked, timed but most of all enjoyable.  Thank you Penicuik Harriers for being the incredible force of nature that you all are and supporting your club so well.

Grateful thanks to our sponsors :
Nicol Brothers

Carnethy Woodfuel

Up & Running

Flowers by Lindsey

Durty Brewing

Fran Jones Massage Therapy


Durty Events  for lending us equipment

Here are the results and thanks to our photographers who stepped up at the last minute Olivia Jones  and Carol Taylor

Here’s the link for Turnhouse Hill Race  on the 14th June if any of you fancy it. We also have the Greenmantle Dash in January.


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One comment on Penicuik 10k 2023

  1. Kenny Cairns says:

    What a wonderful race report, a beautiful sunny day. Great club effort!

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