7 Hills of Edinburgh

What an amazing day running the 7 Hills of Edinburgh Race with Paul, Chris, Andrea, Kevin and Rob (kind of). Lots of mud, refreshments and more mud! Really amazing experience that I would love to do again, thanks to Paul & Kevin for pace setting, Chris for navigation and Andrea for agreeing to do it with me, I’m sure she could have been a lot faster!!!!  Paul’s Garmin said 15.1 miles, my phone tracker said 16.4 miles so who knows how far – just a long way!

Much more to be said about the route but not tonight, too tired!


[picasa width=”600″ height=”410″ bgcolor=”white” autoplay=”1″ showcaption=”1″ user=”penicuikharriers” album=”The7HillsofEdinburgh”]

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2 comments on 7 Hills of Edinburgh

  1. Kirsty says:

    Well done to all of you! I would think Braids to Arthurs’s seat if more than enough…at least it was Sunday and not…Saturday with fog and rain and you just had the aftermath of mud…Very interested in your route was wondering how you were going to do it…Congrats!

  2. Rob says:

    zoom in to Craiglochart Wood – one must wonder what on earth they were doing.

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