
Edinburgh Road Club Triathletes are holding circuits sessions on Sunday afternoons starting this weekend.

Location: Napier University, Sighthill

Time: 4-5pm

Cost: £3.00 (for everyone)

THere will be a lot lot of run specific work as well as some general beasting  stuff. If you do your long run in the morning and the circuits you’ll be guaranteed to sleep well.

Come along if you’re free – you can never be too strong!


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2 comments on Circuits

  1. alister says:

    We have 3 level 3 coaches taking the sessions so they’ll be well planned with the first half of the session being drills and skills so the warmup will be pretty comprehensive.

    I would imagine that the majority of people won’t have done any strength work for a while so the we’ll go gently on the first couple of sessions and the majority of the exercises will be bodyweight to start with. There will be plenty of attention paid to technique – I take it personally if someone gets injured!

    You’ll finish up tired but more skillful.

  2. Dave C says:

    If anyone is interested in doing them I would recommend body weight circuits, they are great strength training and if properly planned (sequence of circuits working the different muscle groups in turn) will work all your major muscle groups. However, make sure that you fully warm up, with active stretching, beforehand and if you’ve never done circuits before take it easy to start with and ask for demonstartions of all the exercises, to ensure that you are doing them properly. This will reduce the risk of injury. A good warm down and passive stretching afterwards will help reduce muscle stiffness for Tuesday nights handicap (if you’re not sure about passive stretching ask. Watch how you go and don’t be over ambitious in terms of effort or number of rep’s for your initial few sessions.

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