Fort William marathon 31st July 2016 – breaking all the rules.

After enjoying last year’s race so much I was looking forward to this greatly. I again travelled up with Billy, Daniel and Michael to camp at Glen Nevis campsite, one of my favourite locations. This was my 10th marathon and so I may have become a bit blasé in my marathon prep, after failing to follow any sort of training plan (rule number 1- always follow a training plan),
I realised on the days leading up to the race that I didn’t possess any running shoes capable of getting me round the course, so after buying a pair on the wednesday and trying them out at hill reps on thursday I started the race in an untested shoe. The same went for my running vest that had only been tried on once since it had come through my letterbox (rule 2 – always try out your gear beforehand).


Just to compound my rule breaking I decided it would be a good idea to walk up and down Ben Nevis the day before the race (rule 3- always rest in the days leading up to a marathon).


So I only have myself to blame for the fact I was slower than last year by several minutes (I must have angered the marathon gods). I did 03:55:35 last year and had hoped to get in under 4 hours this year too.
Hey ho it was a fantastic weekend and I love my new clobber, it was much better behaved than I was.

Result, out of 383 runners:
Position 87 Time 04:03:38 Cat position 7 Gender position 15


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10 comments on Fort William marathon 31st July 2016 – breaking all the rules.

  1. Amy Kerr says:

    You make me chuckle 🙂 Well done, ya rascal x

  2. Jan says:

    Great report and great race, Sadie! You rebel 😉

  3. gilly says:

    As the phrase goes – Rules are made to be broken 🙂 Another cracking race for you despite your bad behaviour! Well done Sadie x

  4. sarah burthe says:

    You really are incredible…a fantastic time despite breaking all the rules! Fantastic running.

  5. Gillian Cairns says:

    Wow – I can’t believe you managed both a climb of the Ben and a marathon in a weekend!! In awe, Sadie!

  6. Rob says:

    you’re nuts my little mud bunny!!!

  7. Dave says:

    A shake of the head and a hey ho! Hop you didn’t miss out the hydration and carb loading too?

  8. Bill Bennet says:

    Sadie – what a woman! Your coaching advice is excellent and should be mandatory for all aspiring marathon runners. Despite ignoring your own excellent advice, you got round in a very respectable time, well done. Are you going to take your own very sensible advice for your next marathon?

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