Pentland Skyline Race 9th October 2016

Well folks: it’s done, 14 hills, and just like BBC, they decided to repeat a couple of them twice in the same day just to annoy the crap out of me. The training for this was difficult to take in as I didn’t do any, as per normal the signing up for a race with the Penicuik Harriers is normally based on the (just do it Tracy, you will be fine) philosophy, Thanks for that Rob Wilson. The bonus for this race is it’s on the home turf, a place I get the chance to train on every week, it was a relief to know that I had been up at least up half of them once
It was a really early start, Michael planning ahead was unsure if we would need to leave the night before to miss the traffic, but decided in the end to have a bit of a long lie before picking up Gilly and heading along the 4 miles of Edinburgh City Bypass to Hill End.

So, the race, 16 miles (17 on Garmin), 6200 feet total climb, that’s over a mile or 1.89km started 45 minutes later than the 11am start due to parking problems but at least that gave me time to think and reflect on the task ahead. Crappng myself even more.

Many Harriers would be lead in to a false sense of security by thinking this was a Thursday night Summer Hill Rep session, but no, they make you go on and on and on,

This is by far the hardest run I have ever done, the only thing that kept me going was the amazing support I had from my fellow Harriers. I could hear at every corner I seemed to turn or every hill top I reached, I thank you all. Sandra Vick, Alastair Hind, Scott Cairns and the kids at Castle Law Hill Fort, Hubby Mike on the top of Castlelaw, Yan at Turnhouse, Stuart Sanderson, Andrew Mcdermont, Jan Dawson, Kirsty Louden on the way round, Chris Downie, Mike Brooks, Amy Kerr and Bert Logan, sorry if I missed anyone but I as getting a bit tired.

The weather was kind, low winds, good visibility, the sun was shining, I can only imagine how much harder this would be had the weather changed for the worse.

So, Caerketton, Allermuir, Turdhouse, Carnethy, Scald Blaw, South Black Hill, East and West Git, Hoor Hill, Black Hill, Hells Bells, Sods Law, Then if we ain’t done enough they make you do Allermuir and Caerketton again.

A great, well supported race, never doing it again, ever ever ever. Until the next time.


63rd Duncan Ball 3:11:19
82nd Rob Wilson 3:18:28 PB
167th Gillian Cairns 3:50:36
174th Billy Colvin 3:53:05
266th Tracy Philp 4:33;36
286th Mark Dawson 4:52;12
288th Gilly Marshall 4:54:58

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6 comments on Pentland Skyline Race 9th October 2016

  1. Jan Dawson says:

    Great report Tracy! I will never be able to run East and West Git without laughing again! It was great fun supporting you all, the kids had a great time handing out jelly babies and Arran got lots of pats on the head! I’ll be back running it next year, I hope.

  2. Tracy philp says:

    Believe me the skyline was much harder ask Gilly.
    I did love this race but I was bit apprehensive about doing it I’m not a hill runner and that was more than obvious on the day!
    Note to self learn to run downhills and do more running in the Pentlands and you never know I might be back next year!

  3. Gillian Cairns says:

    Hilarious! Well done again, Tracy – I’m sure you’ll be on the start line next year ;-)X

  4. Sadie Kemp says:

    Great report Tracy, loving the hill names! Well done to all X

  5. sarah burthe says:

    Well done Tracy- sounds fabulous 🙂 Am sure you’ll be back doing it again next year….

  6. Rob Wilson says:

    Ha – after running the Hoka – I don’t believe the Skyline is harder!!
    Glad you have the bug.
    I second you on the great support – it really helped. A Carnegie Harrier running with me for most of the race (in the end he passed me) asked if I was a local celebrity as most spectators seemed to know me!!

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