Cademuir Rollercoaster Peebles

There were five hardy souls for this race, another one threatened with thunder and lightening but we weren’t too worried with the clear blue sky and sunshine that was above us.
This race is fairly small in field, short in distance but big in enjoyment.  The route is lovely and as the name suggests it is pretty up and down the whole way, there is one big climb which was tough with the sun beating down on us.
Lovely to have Michael there taking photographs which capture the Harriers all so well 🙂

36th Sadie 40:51
37th Sarah B 41:18
39th Tracy 42.11
41st Susie 44.17
42nd Tommy 45:01

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One comment on Cademuir Rollercoaster Peebles

  1. David Cairns says:

    I know you all had pre-race briefing regarding the forecast thunder & lightning which thankfully didn’t materialise during the race, but the sparks seemed to have been flying judging by the tight packing (36th to 42nd). Well done all (Tommys second hill race, in a week).

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