Carnethy 5 Hill Race 50th Anniversary

This years race will remain etched in our memories and on our faces for a long time!  Storm Dennis was forecast and didn’t fail to disappoint. My excitement before the race turned to fear on top of West Kip where I thought I was going to be blown off, luckily there was a bent leg of a marshal trying to stay upright that I grabbed onto and pulled myself forward.

Lots of Harriers were doing this race for the first time and what conditions to be doing it in – it must surely be better weather next year, like it was……hmmmm 2015 I think was the last time I think it wasn’t a battle with weather!!

Here is the link to Olly’s report – he describes the race so well.

A huge thank you to the Harriers who came out to support us and especially to the marshals and officials who were all incredible.

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3 comments on Carnethy 5 Hill Race 50th Anniversary

  1. David Cairns says:

    I certainly was a memorable day, well done to all in completing the race and massive thanks to Gillian & Lyn Young (blue lips) marshalling at the top of East Kip (I was pretty sheltered at the Howe)! Was it the worst Carnethy 5 conditions, maybe challenged by 1986 I think it was, where half a dozen runners lifted off the hills with hypothermia and taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary?

  2. Julian Hall says:

    Thanks for the write-up! An unforgettable day!

  3. Sadie Kemp says:

    Great report and pics Susie, theres nothing like being blown off your feet in the snowy Pentlands for making you feel alive. X

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